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The awful truth about the decluttering trend right now

Updated: Jul 29

a pantry with labels for everything

I'll admit decluttering is trending these days. There are books, podcasts, blogs, television shows... it's great BUT there is a downside. There is a perfectionism that is pushed by our culture about decluttering and with that comes a lot of "should"s.

The should of

  • how your home looks after decluttering

  • what you declutter

  • how to declutter

And those "should"s can be so heavy.

So we try to make our home perfect and when we can't we beat ourselves up. And give up and decide we're just messy or hoarders or whatever because we didn't have the cute boxes or labels or we kept 3 extra things someone said we needed to let go of (and we still can't figure out why but we don't want to let go of it).

Or we decide we've found the answer and everyone has to do it our way especially the people we live with. And that becomes heavy because we take this energy of this is the perfect way and expect everyone we live with to conform to it. And they might just resist because honestly who wants to be told what to do and to be told they aren't doing it the "right" way?

So what is the solution?

It's kindness. It's softness. It's letting go of perfectionism. It's understanding you may have a cluttered home and that's okay and instead of being angry at yourself, understanding that you will declutter in a way that works for you (and the people you live with).

If you would rather spend your weekends living life and not sorting through your stuff, I've created a FREE download of the decluttering system I teach just for you. This will help you declutter in a simple, manageable, and achievable way. Click here to download it today

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I don’t think most people are striving for perfection when it comes to decluttering. I think most people just don’t recognize that they have too much stuff and their stuff is just everywhere, and it is mostly unorganized. I believe that’s more of the problem than the need for perfectionism and one’s house looking a certain way like in magazines, etc.

Also, I think it’s not necessarily a trend but an awakening for many that they want to own less stuff and that material things don’t satisfy the soul. An awareness of less is more so to speak that is arising.

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Good points. I agree that there is an awakening for many to own less stuff. However, some people (not all) are taking that in and making it mean that if they don't do it perfectly they are somehow bad/not worthy.

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